The Analytics feature offers selected users to view insights into achievement tracking and utilisation of the Proactive Monitoring Tool. We suggest this feature is most helpful when looking at general trends over time, to help you keep up to date with all your monitoring and targets.
This article shows you how to enable Analytics for a user.
1. Overdue Monitoring tracking
3. Achievement by Financial Year (year on year analysis)
4. Achievement by Financial Year (practice analysis)
1. Overdue Monitoring tracking
The Overdue Monitoring dashboard shows users how the practice is performing on selected indicators, over time. These charts track how many patients are overdue their monitoring - i.e., how many patients are red, for a given indicator, over time. The chart on the left shows the percentage of patients who are overdue, and the chart on the right shows the number of patients who are overdue.
The dropdown slicers at the top of the dashboard allow the user to select between indicators and organisation(s) (if applicable).
Indicators which are usually measured over a single financial year (e.g., QOF indicators) are explored separately, in dashboards 3. Achievement by Financial Year (year on year) and 4. Achievement by Financial Year (practice analysis).
2. Utilisation
The Utilisation dashboard gives an overview of usage of the Proactive Monitoring Tool at your practice(s).
There are three charts, which show:
- Proportion of usage, by staff group, over time (this is based on the the Role defined by the user when creating their account)
- Proportion of usage, by staff group, based on the timeframe selected in the top right slider
- Trend of logins, for all registered users
3. Achievement by Financial Year (year-on-year analysis)
The Achievement by Financial Year (year-on-year analysis) dashboard shows users how the practice is performing on indicators which are measured each financial year (e.g., QOF-indicators).
These charts will show a practice's achievement from April to March, by each financial year - i.e., how many patients are green, for a given indicator, over time. The chart on the left shows the percentage of achievement, and the chart on the right shows the number of patients who have achieved the target.
The counter at the top right displays how many patients still need to be reviewed or are not at target - i.e., the number of patients who are orange and red. The button just below this provides direct access to the Population View, with the relevant filters pre-populated, enabling users to instantly see these patients. From here, patients can be sent an SMS or email by either single or bulk messages; setting up automating messaging; or even by creating your own recall.
The dropdown slicers at the top of the dashboard allow the user to select between indicators; organisation(s) (if applicable); and the financial years of interest. Multiple financial years can be stacked, allowing comparison of performance across years.
This can help your practice keep on top of its monitoring, plan capacity and avoid any unnecessary rush at the end of the year!
Note: You will only see the option to view previous financial years, if you were an Abtrace customer at the time.
4. Achievement by Financial Year (practice analysis)
The Achievement by Financial Year (practice analysis) dashboard shows users how the practice is performing on indicators which are measured each financial year (e.g., QOF-indicators).
It is similar to 3. Achievement by Financial Year (year on year analysis); however, this dashboard allows multi-practice comparisons.
In this view, you can only see data for one financial year at a time.
Multiple practices will only be visible to users who have access across multiple practices and have the Analytics feature enabled at all of these practices.